An experimental space with a mission to bridge social and cultural gaps within the field of contemporary art, by working with and providing resources for under-represented artists.

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Mattia Guarnera-MacCarthy(b. 1999) artistic practice revolves around an exploration of the human condition, employing visual language borrowed from the realms of sports and entertainment as catalyst for deeper understanding. Fascinated by the complexities and nuances that permeate everyday life, Guarnera-MacCarthy strives to capture and dissect these intricacies through his
work. In his most recent works, he have delved into an exploration of contemporary aesthetics,
zooming in closer to textures, fabrics, and figures, utilising perspective and focus to visually
romanticise life. With a particular focus on removing sport from sporting, Guarnera-MacCarthy
aims to delve into underlying themes that resonate strongly with contemporary society. Through
his artistic lens, he bring attention to often overlooked scenes and moments, recognising their
potential to evoke compelling allegorical, ideological, and philosophical debates that may
otherwise remain unexpressed. By shedding light on these subtleties, the artist seeks to initiate
conversations that challenge preconceived notions and encourage contemplation.

The outcomes of Guarnera-MacCarthy's artistic endeavours exhibit a deliberate mystical
vagueness, purposefully devoid of concrete conclusions. Existing in a state of limbo, they invite
viewers to engage with the works, pondering and interpreting their meanings. This approach
reflects a Buddhist-like or Carl Jung’s-inspired ideology that embraces the paradoxical nature of
existence. Within this realm, opposing forces such as good and evil, pain and glory, digital and
real, clear and vague coexist and intertwine. Through his work, Guarnera-MacCarthy strives to
bring attention to these dualities, exploring the interconnectedness that lies within them.
Ultimately, Guarnera-MacCarthy's artistic goal is to provoke introspection and foster meaningful
dialogue. His work serves as a mirror, reflecting viewers' own experiences and perceptions. By
delving into the complexities of the human condition through the lens of sports and entertainment,
he aim to illuminate profound truths that lie beneath the surface, encouraging viewers to question
and explore their own relationship with the world around them.

UAL Camberwell University Of Art, 45-65 Peckham Rd, London, SE5 8UF
Distinction Foundation Diploma - (September 2017 -August 2018)
First Class BA Diploma - (September 2019 - June 2022)

Solo Exhibitions
TBC 2024

Recent group exhibitions
Dub Inna Babylon: Two Day Sound System, Harlesden High Street, London, October 2022
Buffer, Guts Gallery, London, November 2022
Title IX, The Hole NYC, New York, 21 June - 20 Aug 2023

Frieze London, Booth H24, 2023
The Feast For The Eyes - StART Art Fair Seoul, Sung Dong Gu, Seoul sup 2 gil (September 1st - September 6th 2022)